Change Log

The latest updates and bug fixes

v 1.2.8

May 6, 2022

Improved Collections

Collection lists now display image, color, link and toggle

fields in the main view. Additionally, column spacing is now

optimized based on the viewport size. The UX of adding a

new entry has been revisited too.

Read more

v 1.2.8

May 6, 2022

Improved Collections

Collection lists now display image, color, link and toggle

fields in the main view. Additionally, column spacing is now

optimized based on the viewport size. The UX of adding a

new entry has been revisited too.

Read more

v 1.2.8

May 6, 2022

Improved Collections

Collection lists now display image, color, link and toggle

fields in the main view. Additionally, column spacing is now

optimized based on the viewport size. The UX of adding a

new entry has been revisited too.

Read more

v 1.2.8

May 6, 2022

Improved Collections

Collection lists now display image, color, link and toggle

fields in the main view. Additionally, column spacing is now

optimized based on the viewport size. The UX of adding a

new entry has been revisited too.

Read more

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